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하린아, 생일 축하해! 코로나가 바꾸어 놓을 세상이 어떤 것인지 알지 못하던 무렵 태어난 손녀 ‘하린’이가 벌써 돌이 되었다. 그때는 아직 코로나가 확산되지 않았던 때라 우린 마스크도 없이 병원에 가서 아기를 볼 수 있었다. 그리고 시작된 코로나 사태. 딸이 낳은 아이라 더욱 정이 가는 손녀지만 이제껏 안아 본 것은 손가락으로 꼽아 볼 정도다. 사진과 비디오로 자라는 모습을 지켜볼 뿐이다. 화상 통화지만 그나마 자주 본다고 요즘은 알아보고 손을 흔들고 곁에서 엄마가 시키면 인사도 하고 전화기에 뽀뽀도 한다. 남들이 보면 유난을 떤다고 할 수도 있지만, 나는 그동안 보건당국과 정부의 지침을 잘 준수해 왔다. 지난 3월 이후, 가족 모임도 하지 않았고, 식당에 가서 외식을 한 적도 없다. 그 덕인지 감기 한번 안 걸리고 잘 지내왔.. 2021. 2. 20.
12. A Woman without a Son My grandfather was collecting antiques and old coins. He also sold them to the rich and made profit. Jong Roe was the business center of Seoul and there were clusters of rich here and there. He organized and ran several social clubs for them. They paid the membership fees to join. The membership fees were loaned to the borrowers and the interests charged on these loans were the incomes of the cl.. 2020. 12. 15.
7. Only Walk I Remember My aunt, my mother’s only sister, was a very pretty woman. I mistook her black and white picture as a movie star’s. She came home a few days after her wedding. I have no memory of her wedding day. I only remember my grandfather grabbing her hairs and slapping her. He was screaming, “You, go out and be dead.” I still don’t know why she came back so quickly after her wedding. Grandfather sent her .. 2020. 12. 6.
4. Grandfather's Dance Upon the news of his return, his parents came out of the house on bare foot. They slaughtered a pig and had a big party with relative and neighbors. His cousin urged him to make a speech. He got on the podium at the school yard and told the town’s people that the North Korea invaded the South unlawfully and started the war. However, the South was winning and they would defeat the communists. Soo.. 2020. 12. 3.