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38. Goal! Scott, my oldest son, was three years old when we came to America. Once we settled down, I sent him to a pre-school. He did not like it at all. He did not understand English. I bet he was scared and lonely. He cried and pleaded to his grandfather, who ultimately told me not to send him to the pre-school. In the fall, I enrolled in Valley College and took him to the school child care. He met a ki.. 2021. 1. 31.
22. American Family An American office came to visit us. Father tried to speak to him in English and he did not go far with him. So, I got to talk to him. He was the second in command of US missile company in Sam Song Ni. His wife and three children were coming to live with him in few days. He was looking for a place to live and saw our house which was the cleanest in the neighborhood. The big house we used to live.. 2021. 1. 1.
17. A Book about the World One day, father bought me and my brother books. He bought my brother “The Three Musketeers” and “General Yoo Shin Kim,” and me “Les Miserables”(kid’s version) and “Robinson Crusoe.” I read all four of them and fell in love with the reading. There were lots of books at home. We also had kids’ version of 50 world literatures. I began to read them. My favorite was “Two Years’ Vacation.” Once I came.. 2020. 12. 21.
영어공부 - 이렇게 해 보세요 내가 영어를 배운 것은 14살 무렵의 일이다. 겨울 방학 동안 누나에게서 알파벳과 영어의 기초를 배웠다. 그리고는 주로 혼자 공부를 했다. 쓰는 대로 읽는 한글과 달리 영어는 철자가 비슷해도 단어에 따라 다르게 읽기 때문에 발음을 익히는 일이 힘들었다. 새로운 단어는 미리 사전에서 뜻을 찾아놓은 다음 학교에서 돌아온 누이에게 발음을 물어 한글로 적어 놓고 외웠다. 그 후 몇 년 동안 서울의 중, 고등학교에서 사용하는 영어교재는 거의 구해서 공부를 했다. 교과서를 베껴 쓰며 단어를 외우고 문장을 익혔다. 몇 년이 지난 후에는 ‘시사영어’라는 잡지를 구독했다. AFKN 미군 영어방송을 보고 들었고, 시청각 교재로 나와 있는 카세트테이프를 구해 듣기도 했다. 그때 내가 터득한 방법은 문형을 외우는 것이었다. .. 2020. 8. 13.